Coral Conservation Action Team

With the arrival of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) in the Soufriere Scotts Head Marine Reserve (SSMR) there is an urgent need for a Coral Conservation Action Team to try to preserve as much of the vulnerable species as possible.

Scotts Head Jetty Project

To increase redundancy capabilities for emergency evacuation of the Soufriere Bay communities in the event of major natural disasters and to enhance overall resiliency the construction of a jetty in Scotts Head village was required.

Soufriere Primary School Project

During hurricane Maria the main building of the Soufriere Primary school sustained major damage to its roof and subsequently experienced extensive water damage. The grounds also experienced major damage.

Coastal Plan

In order to approach in a coherent manner both the short term and long term developments in the Southwest of Dominica, it is essential to have in place a costal plan to be used as a reference framework by the community, stakeholders and the government.

School Children Nutrition Program

With the loss of many jobs and income in the community we are determined to expand on the previous “School Food Program” to ensure that every child is getting one good nutritious meal every school day.

Tools Access Service Program

One of the biggest challenges after the hurricane is rebuilding. Lack of materials and many lost tools have made things complex. REZDM is working with Clemson University to address the tool situation.

Resilient Alternative Energy Solutions

A core resilience projects of REZDM is the deployment of an affordable alternative energy solution to ensure access to electrical power during and immediately after a hurricane.

Consultation Services

One of the important challenges in a post disaster situation is ensuring that recovery and rebuilding efforts are combined and not duplicated and that available resources are used in the most efficient ways.

Surveys and Damage Assessments

One of REZDM’s first requirement in order to plan our projects and possible actions was a deeper understanding of the damages inflicted by Hurricane Maria.